Once upon a time I swore off skinny jeans. At Ross the other day I found a pair for $5. I bought them. I wanted to be able to wear these boots with jeans tucked into them, but the only way I could was with skinny jeans. Lo and behold, I think I like them.
They're not nearly as scary as I thought they would be. I will admit that they sit lower than I am comfortable with, so they require a longer shirt, but I can work with that.
like you, i once swore off skinny jeans. but last year, in "recovery from my pregnancy with alex" mode, i bought a pair ($15 at old navy). like you, i wanted to wear them tucked into boots. now, skinny jeans are my GO TO. i love to wear them tucked into jeans AND i love to wear them with ballet flats. my ON jeans slip down a lot, but i bought a pair of Levis (at Kohls) and they stay up higher and better and i LOVE THEM. LOVE. LOVE. love. :)